
Aiming to use renewable energy and increase energy efficiency – grant for building energy developments

Call of the Government of Hungary to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing primary energy use and increasing the use of renewable energy sources.

In the Partnership Agreement, the Government set the goal of improving energy efficiency of buildings. The Government plans to achieve this goal in cooperation with micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with the conditions set out in this Call.

In the framework of the co-operation, the Government undertakes to:

  • provide non-refundable grant between HUF 1.6 million and HUF 100 million within the framework of this Call up to the available resources.
  • provides an advance payment of grant up to HUF 25 million, up to a maximum of 25 % of granted projects that meet the conditions related to the advance payment of the grant within the framework of this Call.

In the context of the cooperation, applicant organizations undertake to:

  • contribute to the goal of reducing primary energy use and / or increasing the use of renewable energy sources by implementing their project;contribute to the goal of reducing primary energy use and / or increasing the use of renewable energy sources by implementing their project;
  • in addition to the non-refundable grant received, the project has self-contribution;
  • conclude a certificate of grant;
  • the project is operated until the end of the holding period.

Two further stages have been identified for the submission of applications:

in the fifth stage, grant applications may be submitted
from 10.00 am on 23 March 2021 to 10.00 am on 6 April 2021

in the sixth stage, grant applications may be submitted
from 10.00 am on 15 June 2021 to 10.00 am on 30 June 2021

Grant applications may be submitted in stages.

A felhívás indokoltsága és célja

Jelen felhívás keretében önállóan támogatható a 8 kWp-et meghaladó névleges teljesítményű napelemes rendszerek telepítése. Továbbá önállóan támogathatóak az egyéb megújuló energiafelhasználás növelését és az energiahatékonyság javítását szolgáló tevékenységek is, amennyiben a fejlesztendő épület energetikai minőség szerinti besorolása legalább két szintet javul DD besorolás alatti épületek esetében. DD besorolású, vagy efeletti épületek esetében nem elvárt a legalább két szintnyi javulás.


Rendelkezésre álló forrás

The planned budget available for the grant program is HUF 55.6 billion.

Igényelhető támogatás

1.6-100 million HUF

Grant intensity: 55%

Eligible activities

Activities to increase the use of renewable energy

  • nolar panel
  • solar collector
  • construction of briquettes, pellets, wood chips, wood gasification boiler system
  • heat pump systems

Activities to improve energy efficiency

  • thermal insulation
  • replacement of doors and windows
  • installation of shielding structures (summer thermal protection)
  • heating, cooling modernization
  • modernization of domestic hot water systems


    Támogatást igénylők köre

    Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (up to 249 persons), in case:

    • It was founded before January 1, 2019;
    • In 2019, the statistical headcount was at least 1
    • Engages in double-entry bookkeeping
    • Kft, Rt, Bt, and an Individual Company or Sole Trader falling within the scope of PIT.
    Amount of advance payment

    Maximum HUF 25 million

    Project territorial limitation

    Investments in Budapest and Pest county are not eligible.

    Time available to implement the project

    14 months

    For more information, please contact our colleague, who will be able to provide you with up-to-date information on how to apply for grant in a free consultation every day of the week.

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